2008 Northern California Laser Grand Prix

Regatta Series

Laser, Radial

April, 2008 – October, 2008


1  Rules.

1.1  The regatta series will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, the ILCA Racing Rules, and this Notice of Series.


1.2  The organizing authority is the Laser District 24.  This Northern California series is independent from the individual events listed below (Section 5).  All instructions set by the organizing authority of the individual event that are required for the individual events are necessary to participate in those events. 


2  Language.

The official language for this regatta series will be English.


3  Eligibility and Entry.

Open to all Laser and Radial competitors who are International Laser Class Association (ILCA) members. A sailor must complete a minimum of half of the regattas listed in order to be entered into the Grand Prix points race. For 2008, this will be six of the twelve (12) events.


4  Risk.

It is the competitor's decision to enter the regatta and to start or continue any race. The competitors are ultimately responsible for the risks. The competitor will accept full responsibility for all his/her actions during any activity related to the event. This includes on-shore activities before, during, and after the regatta.


5.  Schedule of Events


19-20 April, 2008

Northern California Championship

Santa Cruz, CA


3-4 May, 2008

Elvstrom Regatta

St. Francis Y.C.

San Francisco, CA


10-11 May, 2008

Dinghy Invitational

Richmond, CA


17 May, 2008

Monterey Invitational Monterey, CA


7-8 June, 2008

Go for the Gold

Grass Valley, CA


21-22 June, 2008

Summer Sailstice

Treasure Island

San Francisco, CA


12-13 July, 2008

High Sierra Regatta

Huntington Lake, CA


1-3 August, 2008

PCCs - Pacific Coast Championships

Monterey, CA


2 August, 2008

Dinghy Delta Ditch Run

~30 mi. Run

Sacramento , CA


6 September, 2008

Kip Lar Rieu

Stampede Res.

Lake Tahoe, CA


20-21 September, 2008

Totally Dinghy Regatta

Richmond Y.C.

Richmond, CA


25-26 October,


Fall OCR

St. Francis Y.C.

San Francisco, CA



6  Registration

Registration will be automatic. Any sailor that has paid the associated registration fees for each of the regattas entered will be eligible. A sailor must complete a minimum of half of the regattas listed in order to be entered into the Grand Prix points race.


7  Fees

7.1  Required Fees:

No additional fees required. Any sailor that has paid the associated registration fees for each of the regattas attended will be eligible. The official results from each regatta will be collected and an ongoing score will be calculated as the season commences (see Scoring).


8 Scoring

8.1  One-Design:

Lasers and Radials will be scored as separate one-design fleets.


8.2    Series scoring:

Starting in 2008, a new scoring system will be implemented. This will be an attempt to reward performance and attendance in larger regattas and to simplify scoring. A high score system will be utilized. The scoring is as follows and constitutes the greatest score possible for a single event.

50+ entrants: 30 points

35-49 entrants: 25 points

20-34 entrants: 20 points

10-19 entrants: 15 points

<10 entrants: 1 point for each entrant


Only the entrants having finished one complete race will be counted as part of the regatta total.


The top finishing sailor at the event is rewarded with maximum points for the regatta (event), a second place sailor will be rewarded the maximum points minus one (1), third place receives the maximum minus two (2) and so on. This will be down to a minimum of one (1) point rewarded for the event. Zero (0) points will be calculated for races missed. The larger the event, the more points can be earned. A sailor must complete a minimum of half of the regattas listed in order to be entered into the Grand Prix points race.


8.3  Regatta scores:

For regattas not participated in, the score will be zero points (0). The completion of at least one race in an event is equivalent to participation, not merely registration for the event. A series participant must participate in a minimum of 50% of the listed regattas in order to be eligible for awards. For 2008, this will be six of the twelve (12) events.


8.4  Regatta inclusion:

The regattas scored will be each of the twelve (12) regattas (events) listed in section 5 that qualify.  In order for a regatta to qualify, there must be an appropriate one-design fleet (Laser and/or Radial) at that regatta according to the Notice of Race (NOR).


8.5     Throwouts: There will be no throw-out scores.


9   Information

9.1  Additional Contact Information:

-          Ken Crawford – ken.crawford@hp.com

-          Ralph Pombo – ralfeez@yahoo.com